Sports News


Basketball is a popular team sport played worldwide. It’s typically played indoors on a rectangular court with a hoop at each end.

  • Teams: Basketball is played by two teams, each with 5 players on the court.

  • Scoring: The main goal is to get the ball through the opponent’s hoop to score points. Different shots are worth different points.

  • Dribbling: Players bounce the ball while moving to get it down the court. They can’t stop and start dribbling.

  • Passing: Players can throw the ball to their teammates to help score points.

  • Time: There’s a shot clock that gives each team a limited time to take a shot.

  • Fouls: If players break the rules by touching opponents in a bad way, it’s called a foul. After a few fouls, the other team gets free throws.

  • Free Throws: Players who are fouled while shooting get free shots from the free-throw line.


  • Players have jobs on the court called positions. They have different tasks and skills.


  • The NBA is the big basketball league in North America. There are also other leagues and global tournaments.


  • Many people all over the world love basketball. It’s fast, exciting, and has great players.

Basketball players who have won Olympic gold medals

  1. Michael Jordan (United States) – Widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time, Jordan won gold medals with the U.S. Men’s Basketball Team in 1984 and 1992.

  2. LeBron James (United States) – A dominant force in the NBA, LeBron James has won Olympic gold medals with the U.S. Men’s Basketball Team in 2008, 2012, and 2016.

  3. Kobe Bryant (United States) – The late Kobe Bryant won Olympic gold medals with the U.S. Men’s Basketball Team in 2008 and 2012.

  4. Magic Johnson (United States) – An iconic figure in basketball history, Magic Johnson won gold medals with the U.S. Men’s Basketball Team in 1992 (as part of the “Dream Team”) and 1996.

  5. Larry Bird (United States) – Another member of the legendary “Dream Team,” Larry Bird won Olympic gold medals in 1992.

  6. Tim Duncan (United States) – Tim Duncan, known for his successful NBA career with the San Antonio Spurs, won Olympic gold medals with the U.S. Men’s Basketball Team in 2004 and 2008.

  7. Charles Barkley (United States) – Barkley was a part of the “Dream Team” that won gold in the 1992 Olympics.

  8. Chris Mullin (United States) – Mullin was also a member of the “Dream Team” and won gold medals in 1992.

  9. Pau Gasol (Spain) – Pau Gasol, a Spanish basketball star, won Olympic silver medals in 2008 and 2012, as well as a bronze medal in 2016.

  10. Manu Ginóbili (Argentina) – Manu Ginóbili led the Argentina national basketball team to victory in the 2004 Athens Olympics, winning the gold medal.

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