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Boxing Workouts for Weight Loss: The Ultimate Guide to Shedding Pounds with Boxing Drills and Exercises

Boxing is an incredibly effective workout for burning calories and losing weight. The combination of cardiovascular exercise and resistance training torches fat and sculpts lean muscle. This comprehensive guide will provide everything you need to know about using boxing workouts to drop pounds and get fit.


Benefits of Boxing Workouts for Weight Loss

Here are some of the top reasons boxing is such a powerful workout for weight loss:

  • Burns a huge amount of calories. An hour of boxing can burn over 800 calories for a 180 lb person. The more you weigh, the more calories you’ll burn.
  • Builds lean muscle mass. Throwing punches and moving your body against resistance tones and strengthens muscles all over your body. More muscle mass boosts your metabolism.
  • Provides intense cardiovascular exercise. Boxing drills like shadowboxing, jump rope, and hitting the bags get your heart rate sky high. This cranks up calorie burn during and after your workout.
  • Works your entire body. Boxing engages your arms, shoulders, abs, obliques, legs, and glutes. It’s a true full-body workout.
  • Improves endurance and stamina. Long boxing workouts increase lung capacity and boost conditioning so you can burn more calories.
  • Promotes fat loss. High intensity boxing intervals combined with resistance training prompts your body to burn more fat for energy.

If you want to transform your body and maximize fat loss, boxing deserves a spot in your exercise routine. Keep reading to learn about the top boxing workouts for weight loss.

Boxing Workouts for Weight Loss

There are many different boxing training exercises you can incorporate to ramp up calorie burn and knock out pounds. Try these highly effective boxing moves and workout routines to aid your weight loss goals:

Shadow Boxing

  • How to do it: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in an athletic boxing stance. Keep your fists up by your face to protect your jaw and head. Punch straight and jab across your body as you shift your weight and move side to side. Vary your punches-jab, cross, uppercut and hook while maintaining proper form.
  • Benefits: Shadow boxing increases your heart rate and burns calories similar to jogging or running. It also helps you perfect your punching technique and footwork. Go for 3-5 rounds of 2-3 minutes each with 30-60 seconds of rest between rounds.

Punching Bag Work

  • How to do it: Wail on a heavy bag to work your cardiovascular system and strengthen your entire body. Perform basic punches like the jab, cross, hook & uppercut. You can also add in combinations like a jab-cross-hook. Keep your hands up and move around the bag.
  • Benefits: Punching the heavy bag burns a ton of calories while toning your arms, back, shoulders, core and legs. Go for 3 minute rounds and get in as many punches as you can per round. Rest 1 minute between rounds.

Jump Rope

  • How to do it: Grab a jump rope and skip for 30-60 seconds at a time, alternating your feet from small hops to high jumps. You can even do crossovers. Jump as fast as you can while maintaining control.
  • Benefits: Jumping rope builds cardiovascular endurance so you can burn more calories in your workouts. It also sculpts your calves, shoulders and arms. Shoot for 3-5 rounds mixed into your workout.

Speed Bag

  • How to do it: Stand in front of a speed bag and hit it rhythmically with both hands, alternating hits to keep it bouncing. Move your hands and arms rapidly to match the bouncing speed bag.
  • Benefits: Working the speed bag improves timing, hand-eye coordination, and shoulder endurance so you can get the most out of your boxing workout. Do 30-60 second intervals.

Medicine Ball Slams

  • How to do it: Hold a medicine ball overhead with both hands. Forcefully slam the ball down on the floor. Catch the bounce and repeat. Perform as quickly as possible for a set time or number of reps.
  • Benefits: Full body explosive movement that cranks up your heart rate and engages your core, arms and legs. Do 3-5 sets of 15-20 reps with 30-60 seconds rest between sets.

Body Weight Boxing Circuits

You can combine various boxing, plyometric and body weight exercises together into high intensity circuit workouts to really maximize fat burning. Try circuits like:

  • Shadow boxing for 2 minutes, rest 30 seconds, then 10 pushups, 10 squat jumps, 10 medicine ball slams, repeat 3-5 rounds
  • Jump rope for 1 minute, rest 30 seconds, then 20 mountain climbers, 20 crossover crunches, 20 plank hip dips, repeat 3-5 rounds

These intense boxing circuits will boost your metabolism and improve your endurance over time, leading to greater overall calorie burn.

Boxing Training Tips for Weight Loss

To lose weight most effectively with boxing workouts, follow these training tips:

  • Train 3-5 days per week for at least 30-45 minutes. More frequent boxing workouts will speed up fat loss.
  • Include HIIT – High intensity interval training like sprinting, heavy bag intervals, or body weight circuits burns more calories and fat.
  • Add in strength training 2-3 days a week in addition to boxing to build metabolism-boosting lean muscle.
  • Focus on maintaining proper form and technique especially during resistance training. This maximizes calorie burn while preventing injury.
  • Progress your workouts by increasing intensity, duration, resistance, and minimizing rest periods over time to continually challenge your body.
  • Monitor your diet and aim for a moderate calorie deficit to lose 1-2 pounds per week. A deficit of 500 calories daily equals 1 lb. of fat loss per week.
  • Drink plenty of water, get enough protein, eat your fruits and veggies, and limit processed foods, sugary beverages, and refined carbs.

If you stick with intense boxing workouts as well as strength training and a solid nutrition plan, you’ll lose significant weight and body fat while building an athletic physique.

Boxing Training Equipment for Weight Loss

You can perform effective boxing workouts for weight loss with minimal equipment. Here are some of the top boxing training tools to amplify fat burn:

  • Heavy punching bag – The heavy bag allows you to practice all your punches while getting an amazing workout. Look for a bag at least 70 lbs.
  • Hand wraps & boxing gloves – Protect your hands and wrists when punching. Get proper fitted gloves with padding-look for gloves in the 12-16 oz range.
  • Jump rope – Jumping rope burns calories and improves cardio. Get a lightweight speed rope at least 8-9 feet long.
  • Speed bag platform – Speed bags enhance hand-eye coordination, shoulder endurance, and cardiorespiratory fitness.
  • Medicine balls – Slam balls range from 10-50 lbs. Heavier weight challenges full body strength and power.
  • Agility ladder – Agility drills build footwork and conditioning. Ladders improve coordination and speed.
  • Resistance bands – Bands add resistance to body weight movements and boxing drills to increase calorie burn.

A heavy bag and speed bag provide an excellent boxing workout. Add basic equipment like jump ropes, agility ladders, resistance bands and slam balls over time.

At Home Boxing Workouts for Weight Loss

Don’t have access to a full boxing gym? No problem! You can still do highly effective boxing workouts for weight loss right from home.

Try this sample at home boxing for weight loss workout:

  • Warm up – Jump rope for 2 minutes to raise heart rate
  • Shadow boxing – 4 rounds of 2 minutes with 30 seconds rest between rounds
  • Pushups – 3 sets of max rep pushups with 1 minute rest
  • Jump rope – 4 rounds of 1 minute with 30 seconds rest
  • Squat jumps – 3 sets of 15 reps with 45 seconds rest
  • Plank – Hold a plank for 60 seconds
  • Mountain climbers – Do mountain climbers for 60 seconds
  • Shadow boxing – 1 final round of 2 minutes
  • Stretch and cool down

All you need is a jump rope, plank space, and some motivation! Use resistance bands to add intensity to shadow boxing or body weight moves.

If you have more room, invest in a free-standing heavy bag and boxing stand so you can practice your punching technique at home. Add slam balls, agility ladder drills, and burpees into the mix and you’ll get an amazing calorie torching workout.

Best Boxing Gym Workouts for Weight Loss

Joining a boxing gym gives you access to more specialized equipment, training classes, and expert instruction. Here are some of the best boxing gym workout formats for weight loss results:

  • Boxing circuits – Non-stop rounds combining heavy bag, shadow boxing, jump rope, speed bag, strength moves and more.
  • Boxing bootcamps – High-energy sessions mixing boxing drills with body weight exercises like pushups, plyometrics, sprints, core work, and more.
  • Boxing HIIT classes – Alternating short bursts of intense boxing with active recovery periods spikes metabolism and fat burn.
  • Boxing conditioning – Long workouts focused on improving stamina, endurance, movement, and skill development.
  • Boxing sparring – Controlled sparring with an instructor or partner improves skills and burns calories.
  • One-on-one training – Personalized coaching and instruction helps perfect your technique and push your limits.

Joining boxing classes builds skills while providing structured programming for weight loss. Check out different gyms to find boxing workouts and trainers that fit your needs and goals.

Boxing Training Weight Loss Transformation Results

Boxing workouts combined with proper nutrition can lead to incredible weight loss results. Here are some boxing training weight loss transformations:

Tracy – Lost 70 lbs in 1 year

Tracy weighed 230 lbs and had 50% body fat. She started boxing 3 days a week focusing on heavy bag, speed bag, jump rope, and shadow boxing rounds along with strength training. She also followed a high protein, low carb diet. After a year of consistent boxing training and dieting, Tracy weighs 160 lbs and reduced body fat to 30%.

James – Lost 55 lbs in 8 months

James weighed 225 lbs and wanted to get shredded. He did an hour of boxing workouts 4-5 days a week emphasizing HIIT circuits and sparring. He also cut calories hitting a 25% deficit and ate foods high in protein. In 8 months he dropped 55 lbs and 10% body fat, weighing in at 170 lbs.

Amy – Lost 85 lbs in 1.5 years

Amy was 290 lbs and 49% body fat. She joined a boxing gym and did challenging bootcamp classes 5 days a week mixing boxing drills with strength training. Her customized diet plan created a 750 calorie daily deficit. After 18 months of hard training and strict dieting, Amy lost 85 lbs and reduced body fat to 29%.

Boxing Workouts vs Other Exercise for Weight Loss

How does boxing stack up against other types of exercise for fat loss results? Here is a comparison of estimated calorie burn per hour for a 180 lb person:

Exercise Calories burned/hour
Boxing 800+
Running 700+
Swimming 700+
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) 600-800+
Weight Lifting 300-500
Yoga 300-400
Pilates 300-400
Walking 280-340

As you can see, boxing workouts torch just as many calories per hour as running or swimming, if not more. The combination of cardiovascular and resistance training leads to tremendous calorie burn.

Plus, boxing promotes full body fat loss rather than just lower body like running. The intense HIIT utilized in boxing is also extremely metabolism-boosting.

If your primary goal is fat loss, boxing training is one of the most time-efficient and effective exercise methods you can choose.

Boxing Training Weight Loss Tips

Here are some final tips to maximize fat loss results from your boxing training:

  • Warm up for 5-10 minutes before boxing to prevent injury
  • Progress slowly especially as you build punching power and technique
  • Listen to your body and take rest days when needed
  • Stay hydrated and fuel up with protein plus complex carbs after workouts
  • Prioritize recovery including stretch, ice baths, massage, and sleep
  • Consider working with a trainer to perfect form and prevent bad habits
  • Wrap your hands and wear proper boxing gloves to avoid wrist or hand injuries
  • Wear shock-absorbing shoes to reduce impact on your feet and knees

Stick with boxing workouts consistently along with proper nutrition, and you’ll be looking lean and toned in no time!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to lose weight with boxing training?

How quickly you lose weight comes down to the calorie deficit you create. A 500 calorie daily deficit equals about 1 lb of fat loss per week. So if you maintain that deficit with boxing exercise and diet, you can expect to lose around 4-8 lbs per month.

How many times a week should you do boxing workouts to lose weight?

Aim to box 3-5 days per week for the best fat loss results. This allows your body to recover properly between workouts while providing enough frequency to maximize calorie burn. Combine with 2-3 days per week of strength training.

Is boxing or kickboxing better for weight loss?

Both boxing and kickboxing are excellent choices for weight loss. Boxing workouts tend to provide a more vigorous upper body workout with more punch variations. Kickboxing utilizes your lower body more with punches, kicks, and knee strikes. Try them both to see which you prefer!

Is sparring good for losing weight?

Once you gain some experience, light to moderate sparring can aid weight loss. The intense intervals and technical focus burn lots of calories. Just be sure to take proper safety precautions like headgear. Start slowly and work your way up to more intense sparring.

What should a beginner focus on in boxing training for weight loss?

As a beginner, focus on learning proper stance and technique for basic punches like the jab, cross, hook and uppercut. Master proper form before increasing your punching power and speed. Also develop your footwork and conditioning by utilizing jumping rope, shadow boxing, and heavy bag work in your boxing sessions.


Wrap Up

Boxing provides an extremely fun, challenging, and effective option for torching calories and losing weight. The combination of cardiovascular, resistance, and interval training provides maximum fat burn. Follow a boxing training program 3-5 days per week along with a moderate calorie deficit, and you’ll transform your physique while also learning new skills and improving your health and fitness. Just remember to take safety precautions like hand wraps, quality gloves, and smart progression. Now get ready to start swinging your way towards your weight loss goals!

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