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The 17 Best Dog Breeds for Outdoor Adventures: A Complete Comparison Guide

Going on outdoor adventures with your furry companion by your side can be an incredible bonding experience. However, not all dogs are well-suited for hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities. Some breeds have the energy, athleticism, and temperament that make them ideal outdoor adventure dogs.

Choosing the right dog breed for joining you on your outdoor escapades can make your adventures more enjoyable for both you and your pup. In this complete guide, we compare the pros and cons of the 17 best dog breeds for accompanying you on all your outdoor adventures.


Comparison Table of the Best Dog Breeds for Outdoor Adventures

Breed Energy Level Athleticism Temperament Trainability
Labrador Retriever Very High Excellent Friendly, loyal Eager to please, highly trainable
Golden Retriever High Excellent Friendly, gentle Eager to please, highly trainable
German Shorthaired Pointer Very High Excellent Friendly, energetic Intelligent but can be stubborn
Vizsla Very High Excellent Affectionate, loyal Eager to please, highly trainable
Rhodesian Ridgeback High Excellent Independent, loyal Intelligent but stubborn
Siberian Husky High Excellent Friendly, energetic Intelligent but independent
Australian Shepherd Very High Excellent Loyal, protective Highly intelligent and trainable
Border Collie Very High Excellent Energetic, smart Extremely intelligent and trainable
German Shepherd High Excellent Courageous, loyal Highly intelligent and trainable
Weimaraner High Excellent Friendly, energetic Intelligent but stubborn
Irish Setter High Excellent Friendly, playful Intelligent and trainable
Brittany High Excellent Friendly, energetic Eager to please, highly trainable
Newfoundland Moderate Excellent Calm, loyal Eager to please but independent
Bernese Mountain Dog Moderate Very Good Affectionate, loyal Eager to please but stubborn
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog High Very Good Friendly, loyal Intelligent but independent
Portuguese Water Dog High Excellent Friendly, energetic Highly intelligent and trainable
Standard Poodle High Excellent Intelligent, active Extremely trainable

Best Large Dog Breeds for Outdoor Adventures

1. Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds for good reason – they make excellent adventure companions thanks to their friendly personality, high energy levels, and athletic build. Labs love being outdoors and have an eagerness to please that makes them highly trainable.

Energy Level: Very high

Athleticism: Excellent

Temperament: Friendly, loyal, outgoing

Trainability: Eager to please and highly trainable


  • Energetic and tireless
  • Excellent swimmers
  • Highly intelligent and trainable
  • Naturally retrieve objects like sticks or balls
  • Friendly with children and strangers


  • Need lots of exercise and mental stimulation
  • Prone to obesity if not exercised enough
  • May be overly energetic for novice owners

The Labrador Retriever’s energy, athleticism, trainability and friendly temperament make this breed one of the best for joining you on all types of outdoor adventures. They thrive when challenged both physically and mentally. Labs also make great therapy and service dogs. Just be ready to give them lots of daily activity and exercise.

2. Golden Retriever

The friendly, gentle nature of the Golden Retriever, combined with their energy and athleticism, makes them another excellent dog for outdoor activities. Goldens love being by your side whether you’re hiking, camping, trail running or exploring the outdoors.

Energy Level: High

Athleticism: Excellent

Temperament: Friendly, devoted, trusting

Trainability: Eager to please and highly trainable


  • Affectionate and gentle temperament
  • Intelligent and trainable
  • Excellent swimming abilities
  • Energetic and athletic
  • Good with children


  • Require a lot of exercise
  • Prone to obesity if under-exercised
  • Shed a lot

The Golden Retriever is up for any outdoor adventure you have in mind. Their eagerness to please makes training easy. Just be ready to give them an outlet for their high energy through plenty of exercise and playtime. Their full, thick coat also requires regular grooming.

3. German Shorthaired Pointer

German Shorthaired Pointers were originally bred as hunting dogs, so it’s no surprise they make fantastic outdoor adventure companions. This energetic breed thrives when challenged physically and needs lots of exercise.

Energy Level: Very High

Athleticism: Excellent

Temperament: Friendly, energetic, determined

Trainability: Intelligent but can be stubborn


  • Tireless and energetic
  • Excellent hunting and retrieving abilities
  • Athletic build for hiking, running, swimming
  • Minimal grooming required


  • Need constant physical and mental stimulation
  • Prone to destructive behavior if bored
  • Independent thinking can make training challenging

The German Shorthaired Pointer’s perfect blend of energy, athleticism and determination makes this breed a dynamite partner for outdoor escapades. Be ready to provide this breed with constant physical and mental exercise. Their short coat requires minimal grooming as well.

4. Vizsla

The Vizsla is a versatile hunting dog bred in Hungary to retrieve fowl on land as well as in the water. Today they are popular companions for hiking, camping, and all types of outdoor recreation.

Energy Level: Very High

Athleticism: Excellent

Temperament: Affectionate, energetic, loyal

Trainability: Eager to please and highly trainable


  • Lots of energy for all-day adventures
  • Excellent swimming abilities
  • Velcro dogs that bond closely with owners
  • Minimal grooming needs


  • Separation anxiety if left alone too much
  • Need constant physical and mental exercise
  • Can be destructive when bored

The Vizsla’s high energy, natural athleticism and desire to bond with their owner makes them perfectly suited for joining you on outdoor activities. They do best when challenged both physically and mentally. Vizslas are very trainable but don’t do well when left alone for long periods.

5. Rhodesian Ridgeback

Originally bred to help hunt lions in Africa, the Rhodesian Ridgeback is a tough, athletic breed with the stamina to keep up with outdoor adventurers. They were built for life in the field.

Energy Level: High

Athleticism: Excellent

Temperament: Loyal, dignified, reserved with strangers

Trainability: Intelligent but stubborn


  • Excellent hiking and jogging companion
  • FerociousProtective instincts
  • Minimal grooming needs
  • Graceful runner and jumper


  • Can be aloof with strangers
  • Strong prey drive makes them want to chase
  • Independent thinking can make training challenging

If you need a dog that can keep up with you over long distances, look no further than the Rhodesian Ridgeback. Their athleticism, loyal personality and protective instincts make them great adventure partners. Just know training requires patience and consistency with this strong-willed breed.

6. Siberian Husky

Few dog breeds can rival the Siberian Husky’s energy levels and athleticism. Originating in Siberia, huskies were bred to pull sleds over extremely long distances. Today they thrive on outdoor activities.

Energy Level: High

Athleticism: Excellent

Temperament: Outgoing, energetic, mischievous

Trainability: Intelligent but independent thinker


  • Made for running, hiking and other vigorous exercise
  • Thick coat and paws ideal for cold weather
  • Gorgeous wolf-like looks
  • Minimal grooming needed


  • High prey drive makes them want to chase
  • Independent thinking can hinder training
  • Prone to escaping enclosed areas
  • Tendency to wander if off leash

If you love vigorously exercising outdoors in cold weather, few companions could be better than the Siberian Husky. Their energy and athleticism is seemingly endless. But their independent nature can make training challenging. Keep your husky leashed or contained in unfenced areas.

7. Australian Shepherd

The highly energetic and athletic Australian Shepherd was originally bred to herd livestock all day long. Those qualities make Aussies fantastic adventure dogs today. They love going wherever their owner goes.

Energy Level: Very High

Athleticism: Excellent

Temperament: Loyal, smart, protective

Trainability: Highly intelligent and trainable


  • Energetic and athletic for hiking, jogging, and field work
  • Eager to please and highly trainable
  • Excellent herding instincts
  • Friendly once socialized properly


  • Prone to neurotic behavior if under exercised
  • Heavy shedding requires frequent brushing
  • May try to herd children and strangers

Australian Shepherds need a job to do. When given adequate physical and mental exercise, they thrive in outdoor adventures alongside their owner. Their intelligence and eagerness to please makes training this breed easy and enjoyable. Aussies do best with plenty of activity.

8. Border Collie

Considered by many to be the most intelligent of all dog breeds, the Border Collie excels at every outdoor activity you can take them to thanks to its unmatched energy, athleticism, stamina and trainability.

Energy Level: Very High

Athleticism: Excellent

Temperament: Energetic, smart, intense

Trainability: Extremely intelligent and trainable


  • Ideal for athletic activities like running, hiking and agility
  • Easiest breed to train and mold to your lifestyle
  • Tireless work ethic
  • Minimal grooming needs


  • Neurotic behavior if not mentally and physically stimulated
  • Herding instincts may cause nuisance chasing
  • Can be too intense for novice owners

If you want a canine adventure partner that can keep up with the most intense activities, look no further than the Border Collie. Just know this energetic breed needs plenty of exercise and mental stimulation daily or undesirable behaviors can develop.

9. German Shepherd

German Shepherds are utilised as police dogs and military dogs due to their athleticism, intelligence and obedience. Those same traits make them fantastic outdoor adventure companions. They love physical and mental challenges.

Energy Level: High

Athleticism: Excellent

Temperament: Courageous, smart, loyal

Trainability: Highly intelligent and trainable


  • Athleticism allows them to hike long distances
  • Protective instincts keep owners safe
  • Highly intelligent and trainable
  • Adaptable to all climates


  • Shed moderately year-round
  • Can become overprotective if not socialized properly
  • May try to herd children and strangers

The German Shepherd’s athletic build, loyal personality and high intelligence make them a top choice for outdoor activities. When properly exercised and socialized, they are confident adventure partners ready for any climate or terrain. Expect moderate shedding with this breed.

Best Medium Dog Breeds for Outdoor Activities

10. Weimaraner

Nicknamed the “Gray Ghost” thanks to its unique gray coat, the Weimaraner was bred in Germany as a versatile hunting dog prized for its speed, athleticism and endurance. Those same traits make this breed a tremendous hiking and outdoor adventure companion today.

Energy Level: High

Athleticism: Excellent

Temperament: Energetic, alert, confident

Trainability: Intelligent but stubborn


  • Graceful runner built for speed and endurance
  • Minimal grooming requirements
  • Excels at obedience and agility
  • Protective instincts


  • Separation anxiety if left alone too much
  • Strong prey drive makes them want to chase
  • Difficult to train and handle for novice owners

The Weimaraner’s speed, grace and endurance makes them perfectly suited for joining you on activities like hiking, running and backpacking. Their short coat requires little maintenance. Early socialization and training is a must with this strong-willed, energetic breed.

11. Irish Setter

The Irish Setter is an energetic gun dog bred for endurance and athleticism to work long days in the field. Those qualities translate perfectly to hiking, jogging, and any outdoor adventure you can dream up.

Energy Level: High

Athleticism: Excellent

Temperament: Lively, friendly, mischievous

Trainability: Intelligent and eager to please


  • Tireless energy ideal for all-day adventures
  • Excellent running and hiking companion
  • Does well in field trials and dog sports
  • Playful and people-oriented


  • Requires significant exercise
  • Prone to distracted wandering if not trained
  • Long coat requires regular brushing

The Irish Setter has the happy-go-lucky personality and seemingly endless energy to make your outdoor adventures more enjoyable. Their athleticism excels in dog sports like agility, dock diving and fly ball. Be ready to provide vigorous daily exercise for this playful breed.

12. Brittany

Hailing from the Brittany region of France, the Brittany dog was bred as an athletic gundog able to hunt all day in rough terrain and thick brush. Those innate qualities make the Brittany an ideal hiking and camping companion.

Energy Level: High

Athleticism: Excellent

Temperament: Happy, alert, energetic

Trainability: Eager to please and highly trainable


  • Tireless and athletic for all-day adventures
  • Excellent nose for tracking and hunting
  • Compact size without compromising athleticism
  • Minimal grooming needs


  • Prone to hyperactivity and boredom if under-exercised
  • Will run off chasing scents if not trained properly
  • Can be challenging for novice dog owners

Thanks to their compact yet athletic build and seemingly unlimited energy reserves, Brittanys thrive when joining you for outdoor activities like hiking, camping, hunting and field work. They are eager to please but require proper training and adequate exercise.

Best Large Dog Breeds for Cooler Climates

13. Newfoundland

The Newfoundland is a giant working dog that originated from Newfoundland, Canada. They were bred to haul heavy loads and work in water. Today they thrive in cold weather and love activities like camping, hiking, pulling sleds, and water rescue.

Energy Level: Moderate

Athleticism: Excellent

Temperament: Calm, loyal, eager to please

Trainability: Biddable but independent at times


  • Ideal cold weather companion
  • Excellent swimming abilities
  • Natural guardian instincts to protect owners
  • Tolerant and gentle nature


  • Massive size and strength requires training
  • Heavy seasonal shedding
  • Prone to drooling

The Newfoundland’s gentle temperament combined with its cold weather abilities and water skills make this breed a fantastic companion for outdoor adventures in northern latitudes. They do require significant grooming to keep their thick coats looking their best.

14. Bernese Mountain Dog

Hailing from the Swiss Alps, the Bernese Mountain Dog was bred as an all-around farm dog able to pull carts, watch over livestock and be a loyal companion. Their versatility and strength translates nicely to outdoor activities.

Energy Level: Moderate

Athleticism: Very Good

Temperament: Affectionate, loyal, faithful

Trainability: Eager to please but somewhat stubborn


  • Thick tri-colored coat ideal for cold weather
  • Strength to carry heavy loads on hikes
  • Affectionate and gentle
  • Excellent cold tolerance


  • Moderate seasonal shedding
  • Can overheat in warmer weather
  • Slow to mature emotionally and physically

The Bernese Mountain Dog’s combination of strength, endurance and sweet temperament make this breed a great companion for hiking, camping and exploring the outdoors in colder climates. Their thick coat requires brushing multiple times per week.


15. Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

As the name implies, Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs were bred in Switzerland to be hard-working farm dogs that could herd cattle, pull carts and stand guard. Today their strength and cold weather abilities translate well to outdoor adventures.

Energy Level: High

Athleticism: Very Good

Temperament: Loyal, dignified, faithful

Trainability: Intelligent but independent


  • Excellent cold weather tolerance
  • Strong and powerful for hiking with heavy loads
  • Intimidating presence deters strangers
  • Minimal grooming required


  • Can be difficult to train and handle
  • Heavy seasonal shedding
  • Prone to boredom and bad behavior if under exercised

The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog’s combination of strength, endurance and protective presence make this breed a fantastic companion for hiking, backpacking, camping and exploring the outdoors. But their independent thinking presents training challenges for novice owners.

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