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Tips for Choosing the Right Backpack for Hiking: The Ultimate Buying Guide

Hiking backpacks are essential pieces of gear for backpackers and hikers. With so many options on the market, choosing the right backpack can be an overwhelming task. This definitive guide provides tips and factors to consider when selecting a hiking backpack to meet your needs.


Key Considerations When Choosing a Hiking Backpack

Backpack Capacity

One of the most important factors is capacity, which is measured in liters. Capacity needs depend primarily on the length of your trip:

  • Day Hikes: 25-35 liters
  • 1-3 Night Trips: 35-50 liters
  • 3-5 Night Trips: 50-80 liters
  • 5+ Night Extended Trips: 80+ liters

If unsure, opt for a slightly larger pack to have room for extra gear. Keep in mind that you should pack as lightly as possible even with a large volume pack.

Backpack Weight

Aim for the lightest weight possible while still meeting your capacity and feature needs. Newer lightweight packs weigh 2-4 lbs, while traditional backpacks can weigh over 5 lbs. The lighter your backpack, the more comfortable hauling it over miles of terrain.

Fit and Adjustability

It is vital to choose a backpack that fits your torso length and body type with adequate adjustability through load lifters, shoulder straps, and hip belts. Try on packs in person with weight inside to gauge the right fit. An improperly fitted pack leads to discomfort and strain over long distances.

Frame Type

Hiking backpack frames help transfer weight to your hips and provide structure and stabilization:

  • Internal Frame: Best for heavier loads. Comfort-focused with structure close to your body.
  • External Frame: Perfect for irregular loads and excellent ventilation. Not ideal for bushwhacking.
  • Frameless: Lightweight and flexible but less stabilization. Best for ultralight loads under 30 lbs.

Evaluate based on expected carry weight, hiking style, balance, and ventilation needs.

Features and Add-Ons

Consider convenience and protective features like hydration compatibility, integrated rain covers, hip belt pockets, straps and attachment points for gear, removable daypacks, and more. Include any must-have features in your buying decision.


Check durability ratings and materials like ripstop nylon when expecting decades of hard use on the trail. Reinforced high wear areas also improve lifespan.

Price and Budget

Hiking backpacks range from under $100 to $500+. Set a budget but know you often “get what you pay for” when it comes to quality. Scan sales or buy used/refurbished to maximize value.

By evaluating all these backpack considerations, you can find your perfect hiking pack match.

Top Backpack Brands for Hiking and Comparisons

The top hiking backpack brands lead the industry when blending capacity choices, carrying comfort, and features. Here is an overview of some of the top names along with pros, cons and best use cases:

Brand Pros Cons Best For
Osprey High quality and comfortable fit. Excellent suspension and weight distribution. Mesh ventilation. Expensive. Heavy. Multi-day treks and thru hiking long trails.
Deuter Extremely durable. Streamlined stabilizer straps and suspension. Heavy. Less ventilation and pockets than others. Heavy gear hauling and extended trips.
Gregory Innovative suspension systems. High level of customization and fit. Less supportive frames for heavier loads. Best for medium weight and adaptable storage needs.
REI Co-op Outstanding variety and value. Lightweight and comfortable best-sellers. Inconsistent sizing/fits between models Great quality without breaking budget.
Hyperlite Mountain Gear Ultralight pioneer with superior lightweight builds. Waterproof fabric options. Expensive. Frameless only. Ultralight fast-packing and thru hiking.
Granite Gear Simple, durable, adaptable designs perfect for ultra-customization. Few bells & whistles or features. Highly customizable load hauling.

This overview shows some of the stand-out best hiking backpack brands targeting different users. When paired with your personal preferences and trip details, you can find an exceptional hiking pack.

Key Features and Details to Research Further

Beyond the basics covered already, some key advanced backpack features, specifications and technologies exist that cater to niche hiking needs. As you research packs more, dive deeper into these aspects:

Suspension System

The suspension balances pack stabilization with comfort through padding and frame construction. Key components are adjustable shoulder harness, fixed or movable hip belt positioning, density and contour of the back panel padding, lumbar support, and sternum straps.

Fine-tuning the suspension to your body can improve hiking performance and prevent strain or pain over miles.

Hip Belt Design

Look closely at hip belt padding, width, pockets, and angle/positioning for optimal transfer of load weight to your hips instead of shoulders. Wider, more rigid hip belts fare better for heavier hauls while flexible streamlined hip belts cater towards faster paced light packing.

Ventilation Properties

For hot weather hiking, prioritize back panels and shoulder harness with venting cut-outs, mesh covers, airflow channels and suspended cushioning from your back. Ventilation and sweat wicking minimizes swampy discomfort over miles.

Attachment Points and Gear Integration

If carrying bulky or awkward gear, seek packs allowing creative lash points and external attachments for things like tents, sleeping pads, ice axes and trekking poles. Plus consider integrated rain covers, removable day packs, shovel holders, and other included features that protect or quick access essential gear while hiking.

Fabric Durability

Measure denier strength of primary fabrics and look for reinforcements across high-abrasion areas prone to wear and tear like pack bottoms and side pockets. Water resistance also comes from quality fabrics paired with special coatings and construction techniques for weatherproofing protection.

Checking off the preferred features and performance metrics from this deeper dive ensures your new hiking backpack matches your priorities and hiking style.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hiking Backpacks

What size hiking backpack do I need?

This depends on trip length, between 25L to 80L+ capacity. Aim for the 35-50L range for 1-3 night trips and under 30 lbs total weight. Go bigger for extended hauls but remember to keep pack weight under control.

What should I look for when fitting a hiking backpack?

The right fit places the hip belt above your hip bones with weight riding primarily on your hips, not shoulders. The harness wraps your shoulders without pinching or gaps. Load lifters pull the pack into your upper back. Fine tune torso length, hip belt position, shoulder strap length and stabilizer straps for personalized comfort.

How much should my backpack weigh when hiking?

Experts recommend carrying no more than 20% of your bodyweight, with the common target being under 30 lbs including both pack weight and gear. The lighter the better for agility on trail and avoiding discomfort or injuries over long miles.

How do I organize my backpack for accessibility while hiking?

Use outside stretch pockets for water bottles, rain gear and snacks requiring quick access on trail. Keep essentials like first aid kits, headlamps and navigation tools in top lid pockets or harness zip compartments for quick access without unpacking your entire bag. Place heavier items like stoves, fuel and food towards the middle, aligned with your spine for stability.

How should a hiking backpack fit around the waist and hips?

Ideally, your backpack harness lifts 85% of the load off your shoulders, transferring it to your hip belt right around the top of your hip bones. The hip belt should wrap snugly without constricting hips or movement. Stable footing comes from hip power on trail.

What extra hiking backpack accessories should I consider?

Accessorize your pack with gear protection additions like rain covers, extra pockets and gear attachment points. For hot hikes, insulated sleeve systems wick away sweat. Consider pack inserts/liners to compartmentalize and access interior contents. Walking stick or ice axe loops free your hands. Personalize with patch kits and decorated name tags reflecting your hiking personality!

What about pack rain covers or “waterproof” zippers vs dry bags?

A high quality integrated rain cover that deploys quick in storms is increasingly common and more versatile than “waterproof” zippers that often leak over time and use. Plus, dry bag packing cubes let you organize gear within the pack better, especially for handling wet items. Conversely, some sweat more from lack of ventilation with rain covers on. Factor in your climate, capacity for packing diligence with dry bags, and desired access ease.

How to pack efficiently and minimize dead space?

Fill out the main compartment first with your shelter/sleep system then clothing and hiking layers around the perimeter, using the crook of your back as a “post” to wrap flexible gear around for stability. Stuff additional items into outside stretch pockets but beware overstuffing of throwing off comfortable carrying. Explore customizable divider panels, side cinch straps, pack extensions like floating lids, and bonus gear attachment points for really dialing in optimized space savings.

Are all pack load lifter straps created equal for fine tuning?

Nope – and this legitimately matters for extended comfort! More basic rucksacks offer webbing-only lifters prone to gradual slipping from ideal positioning. Upgrade to packs featuring stiffer adjustable load lifters that stay locked in place better as you hike. These more rigid lifters better transfer weight from shoulders to hip belt support too when aligned well. Pay attention to this comfort tech detail when trying on packs.

Top hybrid travel/hiking backpacks for airplane adventures?

Adaptable backpacks designed for wilderness and world travel combine the best aspects of hiking functionality with sleek aesthetics and concealable features on flights or in cities. Top hybrid picks include Osprey Farpoint/Fairview series, Eagle Creek Global Companion, Deuter Aircontact Travel, Gregory Compass/Border, and The North Face Base Camp Voyager. Look for comfortable internal frames with removable torso padding that zip up into sleek duffels. Pair with day pack attachments or hideaway shoulder bag as needed. Plus efficient sizing to maximize airlines’ carry on dimensions.

Ultralight backpacking – worth the austerity sacrifices?

For those hyper-focused on counting every gram, chasing ever faster thru hike times, and willing to sacrifice luxury conveniences – ultralight backpacking brings serious reward once you adjust lifestyle habits! Top cottage brand leading this charge are Gossamer Gear, Zpacks, Six Moon Designs, Hyperlite Mountain Gear, and more pushing the boundaries of superlight yet functional gear builds. Just know the transition period challenges norms with stripped down mindset shifts – and it’s not for every backpacker.


Wrap Up

I hope these tips give you ample factors and expert guidance to select the ideal hiking backpack for your adventures on trail. Whether going ultralight, extending into thru-hiking journeys, tackling new distances or elevations, or simply exploring nature on day hikes, choosing a properly fitted backpack amplifies the experience.

Pair this advice with trying on packs in person, checking out gear reviews from experienced backpackers, and understanding the latest innovations from cottage industry leaders. The right backpack not only carries vital cargo over all types of terrain, it holds memories along the path less traveled wherever that takes your wandering feet. Here’s to happy trails ahead!

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